Friday, November 19, 2010

Holiday Beauty Raffle!

As a part of my Customer Appreciation starting next week Nov 22-Dec 22 I will be holding a Beauty Raffle! For every service you have done or for every product you buy you will receive tickets. These tickets will be entered into a drawing that I will do the week of Christmas and if I pick will win either a $50 Gift Certificate, Free Product, or THE BASKET!(Which will include $300 worth in Beauty Products...including a Chi Flat iron!) So there are 3 different Prizes! I am Scheduling Apts Now! Once I'm booked, I am booked! So Excited to see all of you, and Happy Holidays!


Product = 1 Ticket
Children's Cut= 1 Tickets,
Adult Cut= 2 Tickets
Color= 3 Tickets+
Gift Certificate= 3+ Tickets

PS. HUSBANDS tickets are also given for Surprise GIFT CERTIFICATES Or Products you buy for that cute wife of yours as a stocking stuffer! Put a bug in your hubby's ear!

1 comment:

  1. Perfect timing, Serena and I need haircuts and I want to get that volume dust you used on my hair.
